
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2673 )

( 2672 )

( 2208 )

( 2024 )


匹配条件: “M Abolghazi” ,找到相关结果约480991条。
Protection of Ischemic and Reperfused Rat Heart by Aqueous Extract of Urtica Dioica
D Shackebaei,AA Godini,M Abolghazi,MB Majnouni
Iranian Cardiovascular Research Journal , 2010,
Abstract: Background: Urtica dioica (U.D) has widely been used in traditional medicine for its hypotensive and vasodilatory effects. The objective of this study was to clarify the effects of aqueous extract of Urtica dioica on isolated ischemia- reperfused heart.Methods: The heart of male wistar rats were isolated and perfused according to langendorff method. In the control group (n = 13) the hearts were subjected to three steps of stabilization (30 min), normothermic global ischemia (40 min) and reperfusion (45 min). In addition, before and after ischemia, the aqueous extract of U.D (200 mg/ml) was added to perfusion solution in the test group (n=14). Different cardiac variables including left ventricular pressure, heart rate and coronary flow were measured and rate pressure product was calculated.Results: Results showed that left ventricular pressure (59.11±4.7) and rate pressure product (13680±1136) in 45th minute of reperfusion in the test group were significantly (P=0.0187 and 0.0321 respectively) greater than the control group (39.1±6.0, 9480±1480) respectively. These findings indicated decreased cardiac damage following ischemia in the test group, compared with that of control group.Conclusion: Results of the present study showed that the aqueous extract of U.D, increased the tolerance of isolated rat hearts against ischemic damage. This effect can be explained by potent antioxidant activity of the U.D extract, suggesting its clinical use in ischemic heart disease.
Study of Duct Characteristics Deduced from Low Latitude Ground Observations of Day-Time Whistler at Jammu  [PDF]
M. Altaf, M. M. Ahmad
International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (IJAA) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ijaa.2013.33032

Propagation characteristics of low latitude whistler duct characteristics have been investigated based on day-time measurements at Jammu. The morphogical characteristics of low latitude whistlers are discussed and compared with characteristics of middle and high latitude whistlers. The Max. electron density (Nm) at the height of the ionosphere obtained from whistler dispersion comes out to be higher than that of the background which is in accordance with the characteristics of whistler duct. The equivalent width is found to be close to the satellite observations and the characteristics of whistler duct in low latitude ionosphere are similar to those in middle and high latitude ionosphere. The width of ducts estimated from the diffuseness of the whistler track observed during magnetic storm is found to lie in the range of 50 - 200 Km.

Review Article: Immobilized Molecules Using Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology  [PDF]
Magdy M. M. Elnashar
Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology (JBNB) , 2010, DOI: 10.4236/jbnb.2010.11008
Abstract: Immobilized molecules using biomaterials and nanobiotechnology is a very interesting topic that touching almost all aspects of our life. It uses the sciences of biology, chemistry, physics, materials engineering and computer science to develop instruments and products that are at the cutting edge of some of today’s most promising scientific frontiers. In this review article, the author based on his experience in this arena has tried to focus on some of the supports for im-mobilization; the most important molecules to be immobilized such as DNA, cells, enzymes, metals, polysaccharides, etc and their applications in medicine, food, drug, water treatment, energy and even in aerospace. He specified a special section on what is new in the arena of supports and technologies used in enzyme immobilization and finally a recommendation by the author for future work with a special attention to up-to-date references.
Using of the generalized special relativity (GSR) in estimating the neutrino masses to explain the conversion of electron neutrinos  [PDF]
M. H. M. Hilo
Natural Science (NS) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.34044
Abstract: In this work the Generalized Special Relativity (GSR) is utilized to estimate masses of some elementary particles such as, neutrinos. These results are found to be in conformity with experimental and theoretical data. The results obtained may explain some physical phenomena, such as, conversion of neutrinos from type to type when solar neutrino reaches the Earth.
Postischemic Lower Extremity Wounds Treated with and without Negative Pressure Dressing  [PDF]
Surgical Science (SS) , 2012, DOI: 10.4236/ss.2012.37075
Abstract: Background: Vacuum-assisted dressing is a noninvasive closure system of the wound, which makes localized and controlled negative pressure. Its mechanical tension reduces edema, stimulates granulation tissue formation and angiogenesis, and prepares the wound bed for closure. In this study, a patient has been presented, who suffered from serious lower extremity wounds due to arterial emboli, one of her wounds has been treated with vacuum-assisted dressing and the other with conventional dressing to evaluate the efficacy of vacuum-assisted dressing in acute ischemic wounds. Methods: A 65-year-old female patient was admitted to the emergency clinic, due to complaint of severe pain in her right lower extremity which suggested an acute arterial occlusion. She immediately underwent an embolectomy operation; however, a few days later, severe ischemia on the leg and foot became appearant. All of the necrosis was sharply debrided under sterile conditions in the operating room, and then lower leg wound was covered with vacuum-assisted dressing, also calcaneal wound was dressed with silver sulphadiazine. Results: Eighteen days after the first dressing with negative pressure, distal leg wound became ready for closure, whereas, enough granulation tissue over the calcaneal area developed merely thirty-four days later. Calcaneal wound closed spontaneously within fifty-three days. Conclusions: When dealing with this experience, using the negative pressure dressing in patient with severe lower limb wounds following arterial emboli, accelerates wound healing by means of developing the granulation tissue, and rapidly prepares the wound for closure, so it may reduce the risk of amputation.
Laplace Transform Method for Unsteady Thin Film Flow of a Second Grade Fluid through a Porous Medium  [PDF]
M. Ali, M. Awais
Journal of Modern Physics (JMP) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2014.53017

In this article, we have effectively used the Numerical Inversion of Laplace transform to study the time-dependent thin film flow of a second grade fluid flowing down an inclined plane through a porous medium. The solution to the governing equation is obtained by using the standard Laplace transform. However, to transform the obtained solutions from Laplace space back to the original space, we have used the Numerical Inversion of Laplace transform. Graphical results have been presented to show the effects of different parameters involved and to show how the fluid flow evolves with time.

Feminism and Emancipation: Influence of Feminist Ideas on Women’s Socio-Economic and Political Liberation in Sri Lanka  [PDF]
A. M. M. Chandrika
Sociology Mind (SM) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/sm.2019.94020
Abstract: Study of women’s socio-economic and political liberation in the academic arena is significant theme with continuous feminists’ ideas in the modern world. Focusing the Asian patriarchal society like Sri Lanka, women’s liberation is decided by gender disparities which emerged through socialization process, internalizing social norms, cultural values and expectations. Hence, in the traditional society, women were discriminated from high positions in society, political leadership, decision making and economic top management. However, with the spreading out of feminist ideas and changes that took place in Sri Lanka after independence of the country, some educated women started to address women’s issues and developed a discourse regarding women’s liberation in the contemporary society. The major objective of this study is to examine what are the challenges that women face in getting their socio-economic and political liberation in Sri Lanka, and to investigate how feminists contribute to achieve equal rights for women in the country. The study was based on secondary data gathered from literature surveys which are directly related to the issues addressed in this study. The study revealed that the factors affect discrimination of women from socio-economic and political sectors in contrast to males in the society. In Sri Lanka, traditional women have much less social, economic and political and domestic power than men. However, after independence, successive governments have devoted greatly to education, health and welfare programs. Due to this situation, the status of women in Sri Lanka has changed dramatically. At the same time, feminist scholars are showing that, women play a significant role in the family as homemakers and working women’s contribution to the economic development of the country. Furthermore, they have emphasized the importance of equal rights of women in socio-economic and political sectors as well as women’s liberation against the patriarchal views in the society. However, women are still facing several problems due to unequal opportunities of political participation, labor force and decision making in the country. To overcome this situation, it is important to increase feminist activities and should change their direction to empower women in all sections through policymakers in the country.
An Integral Collocation Approach Based on Legendre Polynomials for Solving Riccati, Logistic and Delay Differential Equations  [PDF]
M. M. Khader, A. M. S. Mahdy, M. M. Shehata
Applied Mathematics (AM) , 2014, DOI: 10.4236/am.2014.515228

In this paper, we propose and analyze some schemes of the integral collocation formulation based on Legendre polynomials. We implement these formulae to solve numerically Riccati, Logistic and delay differential equations with variable coefficients. The properties of the Legendre polynomials are used to reduce the proposed problems to the solution of non-linear system of algebraic equations using Newton iteration method. We give numerical results to satisfy the accuracy and the applicability of the proposed schemes.

ДОСЛ ДЖЕННЯ АНАЛ ТИЧНОГО МЕТОДУ ОЦ НЮВАННЯ ЙМОВ РНОСТ ПОТЕНЦ ЙНО КОНФЛ КТНИХ СИТУАЦ Й В ПОВ ТРЯНОМУ РУС The study of the analytical method of evaluating the probability of potential conflict situations in air traffic Исследование аналитического метода оценки вероятности потенциально конфликтных ситуаций в воздушном движении
В.M. Василь?в
Proceedings of National Aviation University , 2007,
Abstract: Розглянуто застосування запропонованого ран ше методу оц нювання ймов рност потенц йних конфл кт в для системи керування пов тряним рухом. Досл джено властивост методу, наведено проанал зовано результати комп’ютерного моделювання. Application of the method of potential conflicts probability evaluation offered before for air traffic control system is considered. The properties of the method are investigated, results of computer modeling are represented and analyzed. Рассмотрено применение предложенного ранее метода оценки вероятности потенциальных конфликтов для системы управления воздушным движением. Исследованы свойства метода, приведены и проанализированы результаты компьютерного моделирования.
МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ТА УПРАВЛ ННЯ В БРОАКУСТИЧНИМ ВИПРОМ НЮВАННЯМ ОДНОР ДНО ПЛАСТИНИ П Д Д Ю ЗОВН ШН Х КОНЦЕНТРОВАНИХ СИЛ Modeling and management vibroacoustic emission homogeneous plate under the action of external forces concentrated Моделирование и управление виброакустическим излучением однородной пла
В.M. Макаренко
Proceedings of National Aviation University , 2009,
Abstract: Подано модель проведено досл дження акустичного випром нювання та поперечного руху прямокутно пластини. Розв’язок отримано на основ р внянь класично теор коливань пластини. Розглянуто в броакустичне випром нювання пластин з в льно обпертими граничними умовами. Як зовн шн збудження використано концентрован гармон чн сили. Встановлено законом рност зм ни звукового випром нювання залежно в д параметр в зовн шн х збуджень. Для перев рки анал тичого п дходу, використаного для розрахунк в, виконано експеримент. Власн частоти коливань в льно пластини, отриман анал тично, сп вв дносяться з результатами експерименту з малою похибкою. The model of rectangular plate acoustic radiation and transverse motion were presented, and its investigation was performed. The solution is received based on classisal plate theory. Vibration response and sound radiation of plates with simply-supported boundary conditions was discussed. Concentrated harmonic forces are used as an external excitation. The general confirmities to the law have been established for the changes of sound radiation, depending on the parameters of external excitations. An experiment was performed for justification of analytical approach, which is used for computations. Eigenfrequencies of free plate oscillations, which are received analytically, are in good agreement with experimental results. Представлены модель и проведены исследования акустического излучения и поперечного движения прямоугольной пластины. Решен

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